
Dave Florio

Dave is a retired Chief Probation and Parole Supervisor with a background in Forensic Counseling. He joined TRIPRG in 2011 after having a Near Death Experience during heart bypass surgery, which caused many dramatic physical and spiritual changes. Psychic abilities that Dave possessed as a child were greatly increased by this experience and he often works with the group as a Case Sensitive. Dave has a Bachelor of Science and a master’s degree from Rhode Island College.


Cindy Therriault

Cindy joined TRIPRG in October of 2014. After having many paranormal experiences while growing up, she eventually met a member of TRIPRG who invited her to observe an investigation. This gave her a better understanding of the paranormal. Cindy has had many experiences during investigations, capturing multiple EVP recordings and anomalous photographs. Her work background includes over 15 years of technical support for a telecommunications company.