Ghost Hunting Basics



Camera (digital or film), Audio Recorder (digital or tape), EMF detector (KII), IR Thermometer, flashlight, notebook and pen.

Choosing a Location

Most Paranormal Investigators start out by investigating the homes of friends or relatives. This is a good beginning because the location is safe and familiar. Just be sure to limit the amount of people and pets to prevent contamination of possible evidence. Cemeteries are also good, as long as you do not trespass and are respectful to the deceased and any visitors.

ETIQUETTE & Evidence REview

Always be courteous to the living and the dead. Be careful of the clients possessions when in their home. Do not whisper during an investigation, especially during an EVP session. If you must speak, do so in a normal voice. Respect your fellow investigators and never speak out of turn in front of a client! Have an open mind but question everything. Healthy skepticism is a good thing. Appear well groomed and professional. If your hair is long, tie it back or wear a cap.

Safety first. Before going on an investigation, be sure to carry or wear a protective talisman in keeping with your faith. Say a prayer or request protection from a higher power either by yourself or as a group before entering a location for the first time (or if you know the location is active). Do not go on an investigation alone or wander off by yourself. Have at least one person with you at all times. If you are with a group, assign one person to be Safety. It is that person’s job to check on everyone and make sure everyone is safe. Carry a list of medications and any medical conditions you may have in case of an emergency.

It is up to each individual to review their video, audio, etc. for possible evidence. They should note where and what it is and save it to shareable media. Possible evidence should then be reviewed by others, such as group members, and verified before showing a client. If there is any possible non-paranormal explanation, it should be discounted.